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2024 Spring Updates 

Read our updates on what we have been up to so far this year and ways to engage.
Read more here!

gs’ Best of 2023 and Sneak Peek into 2024

As we take stock of our year and gear up for our 2024 plans, we’d like to share our successes, learnings, and future plans with you.
Read more here!

Daily Practice Space (online).

This 30 minute daily practice space is for movement leaders in this time of ongoing change and loss. This space is open to anyone who has already practiced politicized somatics with gs or organizations who practice with the methodology developed by gs. This space is free of charge.

Learn more.

For times, dates, and locations of our most current offers, check gs out on social media!

Screenshot of multicolor boxes of gs's instagram feed

gs on Instagram.

gs on Facebook.


E – News Archive


gs’ Best of 2023 and Sneak Peek of 2024

Upcoming opportunities to learn and practice 

Spring 2023 Enews and Webinar


Widening and Evolving

How gs is changing


As 2021 completes, looking back.

Spread the Word: Embodied Leadership for Funders and Donors

Celebrating BIPOC Embodied Leadership

BIPOC Embodied Leadership


Rage. Power. Hope. Black Lives Matter.

5/5 Webinar + Welcome Felicia

practicing interdependence and community care

Transformative Resourcing – gratitude and opportunities

Welcome Jo Ann and Saima


Embodied transformation – year-end video and request

We launched our new website!

Centering in Transition

September 15-30: Get Centered

2020 Programs

September 25: Pleasure Activism, what’s somatics got to do with it?

Healing & Movements: Lifting up the work of 4 women of color who are also gs teachers

Updates & Reminders

Transformative Resourcing – gratitude + opportunities

Save these dates


Check out this written overview about gs in 2018, as well as our 2018 year-end video!

2019: Building gs for the long haul

December 10th webinar: gs Year in Review

Embodied Practice for More Powerful Movements 

Highlight from gs courses: Detroit 2018

All together

Trauma, Healing and Collective Power

Big news + application deadline reminder

Welcome Mahfam & Yashna and more

Transformative Resourcing – gratitude + opportunities



Check out our 2017 year-end video, here.

Connected & Committed – 2017 year-end video and request

Divesting from state violence. Investing in community wellness.

Steady Love

2018 Programs and application deadlines

Support gs & Save the Date

Chef” Yulanda Hendrix

Somatics and Climate Justice

Get Centered: $30K in 30 days

Our 2018-2020 Strategic Priorities

Relaiming Our Bodies, Our Time, Our Lives: Embodiment for Black Liberation

Longterm Practice, Longterm Impact

Invitation & Reminder

Reflections, Reminders, and Welcome Sutapa!

Teacher Training + other upcoming application deadlines


Check out our 2016 year-end video, here and read more reflections from our 2016 programs, here.

gs is needed, and gs needs you.

Apply today: Detroit, Los Angeles, Bodywork & more.

Turning toward 2017…gs Programs!

Love & Rigor. Vision & Action (a message after the elections)

gs stories + an opportunity for funders + more

#TeamResilience – Please Join

The power of our communities

Help find our new Deputy Director

Thriving: news about gs and SI

gs in a Two-Step: Staff Transitions

Spotlight on supervision, upcoming Local Practice Groups, and more.

Application Extensions, Local Practice Groups, and more!

Teacher Training Applications announcement

2016 Programs: Details and Applications


Drum roll… 2016 Programs!

Block the Boat & Somatics

Transformative Partnership: highlight on the National Domestic Workers Alliance

Summer/Fall 2015 Issue

Spring 2015 Issue

Reportback from Ferguson!

Older Issues:

Fall 2014 Issue

Summer 2014 Issue

Winter 2014 Issue

Fall 2013 Issue

Be a part of gs!

Get involved with Transformative Resourcing—an embodied and values-aligned way to contribute and fundraise. 

We bring a deep, pragmatic, and actionable approach to embodied transformation for movement leaders and formations.

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