Current Programs

generative somatics (gs) is committed to offering free, accessible, regular spaces to be in practice and build community in this moment of high-stakes organizing and repression.

gs Practitioners Network

The gs Practitioners Network is an organized network of politicized somatic coaches, therapists, and healing practitioners who have built somatic competence through gs programs.

Daily Practice Space (online)

This 30 minute daily practice space is for movement leaders in this time of ongoing grief and rage. This space is open to anyone who has already practiced politicized somatics. This space is free of charge.

2024 Spring Updates

Read our updates on what we've been up to so far this year and ways to engage.

How gs is changing

As we continue the work of organizational culture change, we wrote down some reflections about new practices we're in, recent highlights, and current priorities.

Widening and Evolving

In 2022, gs’ leadership has gotten wider. We feel gratitude and hope for this new evolution of gs. We wrote a year-end update about it.
Generative Somatics |

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2024 Spring Updates 

Read our updates on what we have been up to so far this year and ways to engage.
Read more here!

gs’ Best of 2023 and Sneak Peek into 2024

As we take stock of our year and gear up for our 2024 plans, we’d like to share our successes, learnings, and future plans with you.
Read more here!

Daily Practice Space (online).

This 30 minute daily practice space is for movement leaders in this time of ongoing change and loss. This space is open to anyone who has already practiced politicized somatics with gs or organizations who practice with the methodology developed by gs. This space is free of charge.

Learn more.

For times, dates, and locations of our most current offers, check gs out on social media!

Screenshot of multicolor boxes of gs's instagram feed

gs on Instagram.

gs on Facebook.

Photo: Steve Pavey / Hope in Focus Photography.

We bring a deep, pragmatic, and actionable approach to embodied transformation for movement leaders and formations.

Is somatics relevant for the movement?

From 2009 to 2010, gs gathered national movement leaders to answer this question. We received a resounding ‘yes,’ to somatics as an approach to transformation for movements. generative somatics engages a mind/body methodology that builds embodied leadership to align our personal and collective practices with our principles and to heal from trauma and internalized oppression. Over the past ten years, we have received the same message from leaders, members, healers, and organizations. We are clear that somatics with a social analysis is relevant, useful, and needed in social and environmental justice movements

Strategic Priorities


Our Approach





Explore the gs Practitioners Network

Find a practitioner for you within our organized network of gs-trained coaches, therapists, and healing practitioners. Learn more about becoming a gs practitioner and joining the gs Practitioners Network.

Find a Practitioner

Join the gs Practitioners Network

Our Movement Partners

We have worked with hundreds of movement leaders and their organizations through Movement Partnerships. We began these partnerships in 2011 with the National Domestic Worker Alliance (NDWA). We share vision and values with Movement Partnerships, an understanding of somatics as a holistic approach, and a commitment to have a significant impact. Through these partnerships, we work with teams, membership, organizations, and alliances.

Learn More About Movement Partners

gs Stories

Be a part of gs!

Get involved with Transformative Resourcing—an embodied and values-aligned way to contribute and fundraise. 

We bring a deep, pragmatic, and actionable approach to embodied transformation for movement leaders and formations.

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